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Unconditional Love

The four letter word that everyone knows and understands but, only the blessed few can feel it. It comes in various forms and types, the love between couples, between friends, between siblings, etc. But there seems to be only one form which happens to be the purest and most unconditional kind…. Love of a parent towards their child.

It's hard to compare or measure love between a parent and their child, because the affection is so powerful that no number of mistakes and even flaws seem to fade it. It's natural is its existence and probably that's why its strength is never known to be tarnished. The phrase "Love at first sight" is definitely derived from the fact about how a parent instantly feels immense endearment, the very minute they hold their offspring. I know there are exceptions to this but let’s look at this one today.

There is a classic story about Akbar and Birbal which expresses this love...

In India, once lived a king named Akbar and Birbal was his most wise minister. Akbar sought Birbal's advice on almost all matters of his kingdom. One day, Akbar was looking at his young son with admiration. He turned to Birbal and said, "I am the luckiest man in the World. I think my son is the most handsome boy in the whole wide World. I have never seen anyone as flawless as my boy. What do you think, Birbal?"
Birbal was an intelligent man who replied, "I am not sure if I can agree with you. Just today, on my way to the kingdom, I saw a little boy who was being called the most handsome boy in the Universe."
Akbar grew furious. He immediately demanded that he needs to visit this boy and that Birbal take him over immediately. Everyone followed the orders and a carriage was ready to ride. At the directions of Birbal, the carriage reached a small poor village at the outskirts of the kingdom. Akbar constantly checked with Birbal if he was sure this was the correct location. Birbal reassuring Akbar promised him that he would not be disappointed.
Finally they reached a small hut with the noise of vessels coming from the inside. They could hear a mom asking her son to eat up his lunch. In a matter of minutes, they witness a little toddler, running around outside his small home and giggling away. Akbar raged with anger demanding, "Birbal, you think this kid, who seems poor, unfed and has no decent clothes on, looks better than my Prince?"
Birbal calmly responded, "Kindly wait. Let's see what the mother thinks about her own son." In a matter of seconds, the mom comes running out the door and calls on her son, "Oh the apple of my eye, the heart beat of my soul, the smartest and most handsome boy in the Universe, don't trouble me. Come inside and let's eat."
Akbar suddenly realized what Birbal was trying to explain. There is only one perfect child in the World, and every parent has it.

Love of parents is the only love that is purely selfless, totally unconditional and completely forgiving. All kids need someone who believes in them. Every child deserves this form of pure love at least until they are grown up. When they will actually grow up, that is subjective (pun intended).

Parents do, and must continue to discipline their youth time and again, but they do even that, out of love. Each one of us spends years wishing our parents would get off our backs, only to realize that they are the only ones who really had our back!

Many children's books are written on this theme however, my personal favorite is “Guess How Much I Love You” by Sam McBratney and illustrated by Anita Jeram. I think every parent will be able to relate to this one. This form of unconditional love is in reference to the warmth of parents towards their progeny and not vice versa. Children do love their parents but to say that it is "unconditional" is a long shot. Nevertheless, there is always one, that has been known to have a higher grade of affection and care towards their aging folk. You already know which one ;)

Always love your children unconditionally.

As for mine,

You will make mistakes, I will still love you. When you do something wrong, I will always love you. And even if you walk away, I will never stop loving you!

“To infinity and beyond!”

~ MG

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May 25, 2020

Beautifully written!imagine if we could practise this unconditional love with each and everyone we came across :) keep writing, you write well :)


May 24, 2020

Excellent write up. You cannot find a fault with a person If you love unconditionally !


May 24, 2020

Lovely Maloo!! An impeccable relationship and a parents endurance to love their children is expressed so well💕

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