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  • Writer's picture- MG

The Year 2020

The world as we knew it came to an end in the first quarter of 2020. The word, “free world” meant nothing. A virus was identified in November 2019 but not many believed in its potential to cause harm and havoc. Human kind almost felt indispensable and lived in the World as if they owned it all. Scientists and Climate Activists were mocked and treated like dirt.

Aptly named COVID-19, this virus was everything, everyone just talked about but hardly anyone could envision the Global impact it could and would eventually have. By March 2020, all important events were either canceled or postponed. This included everything from Baseball Season to Bar Mitzvahs, from Travel and Tourism to Summer Olympics 2020 (Japan) and from Graduation Ceremonies to the Boston Marathon. The list was long and ever growing. By now, no kids were going to school and most adults worked from home. Days became weeks and weeks turned into months with no cure in sight. Slowly but eventually, most took this as a new norm. No meeting even neighbors, let alone friends. People were afraid of, and for their dear ones. Everyone looked suspicious and worried about the slightest touch.

Due to the mixed information given by the US government and its highest collaborators, the understanding for every citizen was unique. Some thought it was highly lethal while others thought they would never catch it. A substantial number enjoyed the outdoors and sunshine while others locked themselves up. The talented few found their inner joy and passions while many others just utilized their Netflix subscriptions over and above.

Kids had Google meets in place of school every weekday until noon and mostly had a very long day to kill. Initially it felt pretty good to be relaxing at home but soon the kids grew apprehensive. They missed their friends and classmates (even the ones they disliked), they missed their classrooms and hallways and frankly they truly missed their teachers. No amount of virtual communications can ever compensate for human interactions. Remember the weather was still cold in New England and April showers brought many tears.

We learned new words and meanings during these times too. Quarantine and Social Distancing became common vocabulary and while "hydroxychloroquine" was still difficult to say and spell, it was widely understood. Hand sanitizers and face masks were sought after and preserved. These things were considered almost divine.

Well into May, people finally learned to accept the reality. Life was not going to be the same anytime soon. Unless a cure or vaccine are available, people will live with a fear to suffer and also suffer from fear. If we got lucky, fall may start seeing some people letting down their guards but then again, the experts kept warning about a second wave.

This too shall pass!!

~ MG

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2 comentários

18 de mai. de 2020

Excellent synopsis of the year thus far. All human plans came to a sudden halt and here we are evolving yet again, adapting to a new way of life! May each of us come out safe and strong


12 de mai. de 2020

Very well written

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